Raspberry pi network bandwidth monitor
Raspberry pi network bandwidth monitor

Results are persisted into a local sqlite3 database.speedtest-cli measurement is triggered.The script is triggered from a watch command every 30 minutes (it runs in a detached screen).Here is the current way measurements are performed: I could not find a way to use it easily from the command line (and I could not find an easy way to get a driver for Selenium for either Firefox or Chromium), but I managed to get the measurements using chromium headless mode, which is available on raspbian, so no extra dependency is required! For the second measurement, I wanted to use, a service provided by Netflix.It is very simple to use and the project seems to be pretty mature. The first one is using speedtest-cli, a Python project which allows you to measure you connection using servers from.To get a better idea of the bandwidth (I also measure upload and ping, but that is not the most important for me, and I’m not sure how robust the measurements are), I decided to implement two separate methods: Direct Ethernet connection to the router.Before digging into the details, here is how it currently looks like: Setup So to get a better idea, I decided to create a simple setup to continuously monitor my connection, using two independent methods that I will describe below. It’s not always easy to know if your connection is the problem, or is it Wi-Fi connectivity? Or the website you are trying to connect to, etc.

raspberry pi network bandwidth monitor

After having switched to a new Internet Provider a few months ago, I was often disappointed by the bandwidth I got (or perceived).

Raspberry pi network bandwidth monitor